How to Integrate LED Light Therapy into Your Horse's Routine for Maximum Health Benefits

Red Light therapy for horses

Integrating LED light therapy for horses into your horse’s daily routine can yield remarkable health benefits. Here’s how you can make the most of this innovative therapy.

Morning Sessions: Pre-Exercise Warm-Up

Start your horse’s day with a short red light therapy for horses session to prepare muscles for exercise. Applying equine LED light therapy to key areas like the legs, back, and poll can enhance circulation, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury.

Post-Exercise Recovery

After a training session, use light therapy for horses to speed up recovery. Focus on areas prone to soreness or strain, such as the legs and back. This will help reduce inflammation, alleviate muscle soreness, and ensure your horse is ready for the next day’s activities.

Injury Management

For horses recovering from injury, integrate equine light therapy as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation plan. Regular therapy sessions can significantly speed up the healing process and reduce the likelihood of re-injury.

Consistency is Key

To achieve the best results, consistency is crucial. Incorporate LED light therapy for horses regularly into your horse’s care routine to maintain optimal health and performance.

At, we provide all the equipment you need to effectively integrate light therapy into your horse’s life. Check out our LED Light Therapy Bell Boots, LED Light Therapy Flexi Pads, LED Light Therapy Poll Masks, and Equine Red Light Therapy Boots.