5 tips for using an equine massage gun effectively on your horse(s)

Here are some tips for using an equine massage gun effectively on your horse:
Start slowly and gradually increase intensity: Begin with a low intensity setting and gradually increase as needed. It's important to give your horse time to get used to the sensation of the massage gun.
Avoid bony areas: The massage gun should not be used directly on bony areas of your horse's body, as it can cause discomfort. Instead, focus on the muscles around these areas.
Don't use the massage gun for too long: It's important not to overuse the massage gun on your horse. A general rule of thumb is to use it for no more than 10-15 minutes at a time.
Use it as part of a comprehensive wellness routine: The massage gun should be used in conjunction with other aspects of your horse's wellness routine, such as stretching and proper nutrition.
Consult with a veterinarian or professional: If you have any concerns about using a massage gun on your horse, it's always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or other equine health professional. They can help you determine if a massage gun is appropriate for your horse and provide guidance on how to use it effectively.